Sunday, April 17, 2011


I know summer is supposed to be fun under the sun, but why is it called the slave drive break?

It's because most of us in the work world know that teens and college students come home and want jobs for money during their school years. They work and work and see the summer pass.

Why did it have to go? What fun is that? Why cant adults have summer breaks too? The world wouldn't turn.

I know that we all enjoy time off... but why do we need to consume it with work? I don't want to.

No one does.

So don't.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Dorm life

I know that this seems dumb, but I wanna blog about what it's like to live in a dorm.

It seems this place is like a club jail cell mix... the walls are cold cenderblocks, and the windows are unbarred, but the confinement is so jail like. Stuck in your room for extended amounts of study.

It's crazy.

I love my suite family though... Adam and Austin are amazing and the whole experience is cool.

I know that I want a roommate next year... It's been so lonely this year and I can't seem to spend time studying and I think a roommate will solve this problem for me and make me want to stay in for a while to study.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Dancing coming to a close for 2010-2011 school year

I've had so many ups and downs, summer will be a relief for me. I will see my family again, I will work my bottom off. I will let the stresses of school roll right over. I will sit down breath, and read. I intend to keep in contact with all my good best friends from here over the summer, and plan on coming back next year ready to roll with the punches again.

I want to thank college for a good freshman year, first and most importantly, I survived it. (almost didn't) So for this I thank you. :)

Second: I want to thank college for helping me live again, I felt like I was in a rut for soooooo long at home. I needed the escape, I needed to be the dancing guy. I needed to laugh and feel my soul again, to experience, to live and to survive, to know.

Third, I want to thank college for helping me find who I am. I am not the same. I am no longer Randall Neil Cole Jr from Glencliff Comprehensive High School. I am Neil Cole, the flaming, happy, gay, the individual that is now and for ever more comfortable with who he is and this is me. Now for the first time, I will say, I am me and you don't like it, don't ask me to change, It won't happen.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

American Puzzle: Why College Students Cheat

American Puzzle: Why College Students Cheat: "'To me, the idea of trying to track down custom papers and identify cheaters, that's not as productive as understanding why 200 people, one..."

I'm tired of chasing, but I do it anyway.

I know this seems stupid, I know this seems redundant. I know that I don't deserve it, and I know that it's not worth it.

I love hard.

I love everyone. I love like love is supposed to be. I make it count until you deserve my love no more. I know how to please, how to make peoples day, how to make you happy, how to bring you ever lasting joy, until you're my boyfriend or you piss me off.

I cut you off, leave you be because you can live without me, right?

Why do I care? why do I need to please?

Pure and simple, I love to love. It makes ME happy making someone else happy.

It may seem like I'm trying to strangle you with me, but I'm just wanting you to love me enough to notice, and help me, perhaps love me back the same, maybe?

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Man vs. Women

Man vs. Women:


Bronze smart, physically able, loving capable, emotionally unstable, @SS holes, simplistic in thought.


Book smart, physically able, loving, emotionally wantingly unstable, b!tches, and complex in thought.


Both, they both have flaws, men just have different flaws then women and vice versa.

Magic Powers

I wish I had some powers... the powers I would love to have would be as follows:

   1. Mind reading

I would love to know what people are thinking. my world would be so much easier to control if I knew thoughts.

   2. The power to change free will

I would want to make people be kind to everyone else and everyone would treat everyone kindly in my "ideal" world. :)

I know these two powers don't seem like they should go together because why listen to what people think if you plan on changing how they think? well by listening first I know others opinions.