Friday, April 15, 2011

Dancing coming to a close for 2010-2011 school year

I've had so many ups and downs, summer will be a relief for me. I will see my family again, I will work my bottom off. I will let the stresses of school roll right over. I will sit down breath, and read. I intend to keep in contact with all my good best friends from here over the summer, and plan on coming back next year ready to roll with the punches again.

I want to thank college for a good freshman year, first and most importantly, I survived it. (almost didn't) So for this I thank you. :)

Second: I want to thank college for helping me live again, I felt like I was in a rut for soooooo long at home. I needed the escape, I needed to be the dancing guy. I needed to laugh and feel my soul again, to experience, to live and to survive, to know.

Third, I want to thank college for helping me find who I am. I am not the same. I am no longer Randall Neil Cole Jr from Glencliff Comprehensive High School. I am Neil Cole, the flaming, happy, gay, the individual that is now and for ever more comfortable with who he is and this is me. Now for the first time, I will say, I am me and you don't like it, don't ask me to change, It won't happen.

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