Friday, February 18, 2011

What happens to someone when...

In this blog, I'm going to throw some hypothetical questions out to my viewers. These questions are ment to make you think about your response, what is socially acceptable, and what I think.

1. What happens when you drink wine every day?

Your response- ??
Socially Acceptable- you don't drink wine every day!
To me- you become a new drunk human being

2. How many days can you go on 6 or less hours of sleep a night?

Your response- ??
Socially Acceptable-We go to bed for more than 8 hours a night, only one day in a row can it be less
To me- going on 7 days.

3. How many classes can you miss in one week?

Your response- ??
Socially Acceptable- You don't miss class unless you are almost deathly ill.
To me- as many as I can afford

4. How many meals should you eat in one day?

Your response- ??
Socially Acceptable- 3 solid meals
To me- as many as I want, usually 2

Now that you all think I'm nuts, we all have our own way of looking at things, but as a society,there is a standard. The standard is set pretty high on most questions like these, because most of us couldn't reach these goals that society sets for us.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happiness is a State of being Healthy

When you are happy, you can smile. You smile with such a smile that no matter how much bad is in front of you, you will still smile, because you are internally happy, not just satisfied at the surface. You can smile as your car is being towed. You are happy. BUT, if you can laugh at a bad joke, you are internally happy.

If I pass you and smile will you start to smile? The strength of my happiness is so great that it will rub off onto the surface, even for a split second, of others. If you feel like you're a light house because you are lit up, you're internally happy. If you have a "cheezy as Hell" smile on your face, you are internally happy. :)

Happy, what does it take to be "internally happy?" Honestly, it takes what makes you happy. Lucky for the world, this could come from multitude of sources. I happen to find a deep connection with one person to be my internal happiness source.

It takes internal happiness to make you healthier... you move with greater purpose, get the spark that you may or may not have ever even experienced...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


What's to be said? My words don't do anything for me. They don't clean my car, or wash it. They don't fill out Fafsa. They don't read, or wash my clothes. there is only one purpose for words, to communicate. If you don't have anything to say, don't speak.

I know what I'm going to talk about. I am going to talk about pointless items in the everyday life. Pictures, plants, Facebook, and shot glasses.

Now I want to mention things that you can't live with out for a day. Cell Phone, planner, wallet, and Clothes.

Monday, February 7, 2011

English Paper's and Class Confusion

Today I presented what to me seemed like a really thought out, detailed, analysis description of all the different aspects of both my grandmother's roaster, and the great things it can tell us about my family. Instead of being professional learners and higher level thinkers (which is what college students are?) my experience was washed away by the over thought process of my writing. Apparently I think too hard, to put it in class terms.

Why is it that when I have a great idea, and a great thesis, my underlying message is overlooked? We are forced to read countless books and search between the lines to find the message School book author's leave, why does my paper have to be cut and dry? My goal as a writer is to keep you wondering. What did I mean when I was describing "It"? Was I talking about the roaster? or was I talking about memories? Was I talking about the intricate details of the flaws of my life? or was I pointing out the faded color?

These details drive the argument which is the whole purpose of hitting a key is it not?

Now I understand this is a draft, and I know that my analysis paragraph is yet to be present, but without the current synopsis, my paper wouldn't get to my thesis.