Friday, February 18, 2011

What happens to someone when...

In this blog, I'm going to throw some hypothetical questions out to my viewers. These questions are ment to make you think about your response, what is socially acceptable, and what I think.

1. What happens when you drink wine every day?

Your response- ??
Socially Acceptable- you don't drink wine every day!
To me- you become a new drunk human being

2. How many days can you go on 6 or less hours of sleep a night?

Your response- ??
Socially Acceptable-We go to bed for more than 8 hours a night, only one day in a row can it be less
To me- going on 7 days.

3. How many classes can you miss in one week?

Your response- ??
Socially Acceptable- You don't miss class unless you are almost deathly ill.
To me- as many as I can afford

4. How many meals should you eat in one day?

Your response- ??
Socially Acceptable- 3 solid meals
To me- as many as I want, usually 2

Now that you all think I'm nuts, we all have our own way of looking at things, but as a society,there is a standard. The standard is set pretty high on most questions like these, because most of us couldn't reach these goals that society sets for us.

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