Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Dancing is a dream reality

Dancing is a Dream Reality.

When I think of dreams I think of a beautiful sunset, or some happy thing I've always wanted. Dreams are just that, made up, not real. Dreams are your mind supplying the need for happiness that society as a whole can't give you. You look at the happiest man alive, and they will have no dreams? or will they still be wanting more?

Dancing is a Dream Reality?

Can you dream awake? With out even realizing it, we dream all day long. Day-dreaming. Dreaming of what we wish our future will hold, reading a fortune cookie, fantasizing a million dollar jackpot win. These are all made up realities of what we really want.

So is it safe to say that Dreaming is wanting what you don't have? The problem is, when we dream asleep, we some times dream of death.

Alas, the word Dream now has two very distinct meanings. A mind induced persona during the shallow stages of sleep. And the desire for what we don't have but desperately want both awake and during sleep.

Some times these two ideal definitions cross. When they do, some people can make their wildest dreams come true. Really get into what their heart desires, for some, this could be flying as high as an airplane like a witch with a broom would, except arms spread and legs straight back.

Dancing is a Dream Reality!

When I say Dream Reality, I mean what? We know what Dream means now, and Reality is the state of being real, or tangible. (reachable more or less) So I am simply put, making my Dreams come true.

The word A is a very informative word. It describes in one letter, that the described is one, or single. A can mean  "one example of". Substitute "one example of" with A and you get:

Dancing is One Example of Dream Reality.

Dance. Movement. Instantaneous change in motion. The curves of your body extenuated and then retracted in the rhythm. Free of all judgment, release of tension, and the will of  it all forms what people like to see. The attract-ability that comes from your movements is fuel to the watchful eyes of onlookers. I'd almost call it a drug, at least for me.

Dancing is a Dream Reality.

1 comment:

  1. I saw the article in the newspaper of you dancing! Congrats!
