Sunday, January 30, 2011

Bloggs On

I've read a few other people's blogs on and other blogging sites. The purpose for blogging? I've found many different blog topics, subjects, and opinions thereof, but what I've found is that people are always saying what they believe and how they see things.

I see blogging as a way of expression, think of it as a painting. Some people will gaze at it, and love it, others will gaze and grimace. I blog to express... whether they want it or not. I don't mind grimaces. I would love to be called a genius by a few, but I believe the judging is out of my hands.

I also see blogs as a look in the eye of the writer... how he or she thinks. the vast processes that come from one person can express a lot about that person. How he or she files thoughts, thinks actions, or relays that information here for me to read is incredible in its self.

Whether you write on age, Physics, rockets, magic, harry potter, gaming, or books, you write with the purpose of informing, teaching, learning, engaging, or inspiring. We write like we do everything else, we need to, or we wouldn't.

I write today, why? to fill a requirement? to inform? enlighten? Engage? In much writing, this question is underlying and is often looked too deep, or too shallow, but if they don't come out and tell you what they are writing about, or for, it's often left to the reader, which is what can make a great writer, and intreague the reader.

<This could quite possibly be the thing we kept hitting around in class.>

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

College Life


Why in goodness name does every class assume that they are the only one your taking? Seriously, I have a 15 credit hour work week, and if I do as suggested, I could spend 16 hours on home work alone...

this only adds up to only 31 hours, but still, life is crazy.

Being sick the past couple days, I've been on a freeze. I feel like I can't move to even hit the snooze, and had not some miracle woke me up this morning, I would have made this work week about 11 credit hours.

When I can usually walk to class in 10-20min at the most, it took me closer to 30-45 for the past two days, this becomes disturbing to me. I start to wonder if Death swarmed me over...

We all have those days... you know when you just want to sleep, never move till man you could have fun by getting up...

Today wasn't one of those

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

World of Love

Love, what exactly does love mean? When does compassion in any form cross the line of romance? How do you know when to say "I love you"?

Some how I used to be the person that they told, "don't say I love you, it's over used." I am a hopeless romantic searching for that one person who will hold me and I will know that they mean it when they say "I'm forever your's."

But I've never gotten the whole "DATING", honestly after about a month, you know this person like the back of your hand because you've analyzed them like your wife. (every guy marries his left hand at birth.) You can make all the right moves and all the right actions, you can wait hours by your phone, waiting on that txt... but when it comes to push and shove, "You were only dating" and half the time they fade out of your mind because you either get sick of waiting and forget, or you badger them till they tell you to f#%$ off...

I find myself pushing through this phase, I don't like lingering here... I don't want to be that person who spends their life with someone and they never get with you because you find that they have 5 or 6 other boy friends... and when I say boy friends here, I mean boys who are their friends who they are "dating" but not boyfriend and girlfriend.... O no, "we're not together" RIGHT, I mean we're ONLY DATING...

Or, what I call people, Playing the Field...

So I go back to my original comments,

Love, what exactly does love mean? When does compassion in any form cross the line of romance? How do you know when to say "I love you"?

I see love as a form of communication... be it sexual, verbal, or spiritual, I see love as two people showing in some form how much they mean to one another.

You can buy your girlfriend a necklace, but unless you put love in it just as preachers place the word of god upon you, you have to put the word of love upon that person, and in this case through the necklace, it holds NO LOVE... It's challenging thinking of a loving way to bistow the power of love upon it, but for us romantics, it comes naturally.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Life of a Physics student

Although I have only just started my journey through Physics 102, I know that this class will be very interesting. You don't have to know Newton's laws of Physics to know that books bought from the school are outrageously priced... Some how I bought my used book for ~$95 USD, but could have bought the same thing from {} for ~$45-50 USD. Don't believe me, check yourself.

From the get-go, my class has been interesting, we completed our first "ICW". Giggles, don't I feel like I should be attending Hogwarts from Harry Potter with their "OWL's"? This ICW stands for "In Class Work". Having a packet of paperwork that was 5 pages long on the first day, it felt like I should be hit with a spell just to get over the aggravation of the man moving across the screen trying to obtain perfect zero acceleration, which with human error is literally impossible using a mouse.

Which you can only obtain zero acceleration two ways:
1. you aren't moving at all.
2. you have reached a velocity that remains contant over a period of time.

With the mouse picking up every little motion, the man changes direction of travel and rate of speed quicker than someone having a seizure, it was impossible to achieve for any real measurable length of time, [atleast not one I want to calculate. XD]

*A "PCW" is Pre- Class Work, what is known by every other society thinking human-being as Homework.

The "PCW" I finished tonight was over the first chapter from my overly priced book, that crammed a whole semester of High School Physics AP into about 7 Pages.