Wednesday, January 19, 2011

World of Love

Love, what exactly does love mean? When does compassion in any form cross the line of romance? How do you know when to say "I love you"?

Some how I used to be the person that they told, "don't say I love you, it's over used." I am a hopeless romantic searching for that one person who will hold me and I will know that they mean it when they say "I'm forever your's."

But I've never gotten the whole "DATING", honestly after about a month, you know this person like the back of your hand because you've analyzed them like your wife. (every guy marries his left hand at birth.) You can make all the right moves and all the right actions, you can wait hours by your phone, waiting on that txt... but when it comes to push and shove, "You were only dating" and half the time they fade out of your mind because you either get sick of waiting and forget, or you badger them till they tell you to f#%$ off...

I find myself pushing through this phase, I don't like lingering here... I don't want to be that person who spends their life with someone and they never get with you because you find that they have 5 or 6 other boy friends... and when I say boy friends here, I mean boys who are their friends who they are "dating" but not boyfriend and girlfriend.... O no, "we're not together" RIGHT, I mean we're ONLY DATING...

Or, what I call people, Playing the Field...

So I go back to my original comments,

Love, what exactly does love mean? When does compassion in any form cross the line of romance? How do you know when to say "I love you"?

I see love as a form of communication... be it sexual, verbal, or spiritual, I see love as two people showing in some form how much they mean to one another.

You can buy your girlfriend a necklace, but unless you put love in it just as preachers place the word of god upon you, you have to put the word of love upon that person, and in this case through the necklace, it holds NO LOVE... It's challenging thinking of a loving way to bistow the power of love upon it, but for us romantics, it comes naturally.

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