Monday, January 17, 2011

Life of a Physics student

Although I have only just started my journey through Physics 102, I know that this class will be very interesting. You don't have to know Newton's laws of Physics to know that books bought from the school are outrageously priced... Some how I bought my used book for ~$95 USD, but could have bought the same thing from {} for ~$45-50 USD. Don't believe me, check yourself.

From the get-go, my class has been interesting, we completed our first "ICW". Giggles, don't I feel like I should be attending Hogwarts from Harry Potter with their "OWL's"? This ICW stands for "In Class Work". Having a packet of paperwork that was 5 pages long on the first day, it felt like I should be hit with a spell just to get over the aggravation of the man moving across the screen trying to obtain perfect zero acceleration, which with human error is literally impossible using a mouse.

Which you can only obtain zero acceleration two ways:
1. you aren't moving at all.
2. you have reached a velocity that remains contant over a period of time.

With the mouse picking up every little motion, the man changes direction of travel and rate of speed quicker than someone having a seizure, it was impossible to achieve for any real measurable length of time, [atleast not one I want to calculate. XD]

*A "PCW" is Pre- Class Work, what is known by every other society thinking human-being as Homework.

The "PCW" I finished tonight was over the first chapter from my overly priced book, that crammed a whole semester of High School Physics AP into about 7 Pages.

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