Tuesday, January 25, 2011

College Life


Why in goodness name does every class assume that they are the only one your taking? Seriously, I have a 15 credit hour work week, and if I do as suggested, I could spend 16 hours on home work alone...

this only adds up to only 31 hours, but still, life is crazy.

Being sick the past couple days, I've been on a freeze. I feel like I can't move to even hit the snooze, and had not some miracle woke me up this morning, I would have made this work week about 11 credit hours.

When I can usually walk to class in 10-20min at the most, it took me closer to 30-45 for the past two days, this becomes disturbing to me. I start to wonder if Death swarmed me over...

We all have those days... you know when you just want to sleep, never move till man you could have fun by getting up...

Today wasn't one of those

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