Sunday, March 6, 2011


We sit on a shelf and crack, retaining the essence that was put into the glass or metal jar that contains the wax which with flame changes form to burn off in a Chemical Reaction. I wait for the life of the welder to spark the love between hand and life. As the first contact of the new found flame touches my wick and starts to boil from the start of combustion, tip downward, my heart from then on can no longer burn that minute piece of my essence.

Many candles would agree, that once touched with flame you never want to burn out. That the love of the welder will live on as the flame grows and slows.

Sadly, the candle is sometimes put out by the welder, and stored. Either to one day be lite again, or to be sold to a new welder, or eventually found in the garbage. The candles all agree that it is better to be lite once and put out, than to have never been lite at all.

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