Sunday, March 6, 2011

Million Dollar Jackpot

Who wouldn't love to win the lottery? The question most asked is "what would you buy first?" I'm here to tell you that this answer is never preordained by our selves. We may daydream about what we want but chances are this isn't our first purchase.

I guess what the true question should be, is if you could get anything in the world that you wanted with money, what would it be?

Even this question is not a good one, because there is always an asshole or two who'd say "world domination" or Asia. Laugh out loud.

So to refine it one more time, the question should be, What material possession do you value most?

When I stop to think about it, I value a LOT of objects in my life. I may value the helicopter, or the jet, or the home greatly when it comes to possession, but when it comes down to it, I need more than a car to live.

When someone talks about the quality at which one lives, he or she is referring to the quality and style of all the tools of life which one person comes in contact with collectively.

When someone asks me what would I buy first, I think, "what purchase would make my quality of life increase the most?"

For most, quality of life is what makes them look good in society. For me, this is what would make me happier and at the same time better off in life.

So the next time someone asks you, what would be the first thing you'd buy, think about your Wal-mart list, and what's most important on there.

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