Friday, March 11, 2011

Tail bones

I have a tail bone... It likes to make itself known every once and a while. Now that I think about it we all have one and mine just happens to be making itself known to me in the form of unbearable pain that has left me nearly bed-stricken for the rest of the evening. I have been music deprived for nearly three days and it SUCKS!!!!! What a way to start off Spring break, yeah?  Nonetheless, I'm thankful for my good friends that bring me food and offer to clean up my messes. Where would I be without them? Oh I know... right where I am now, stuck in the bed and in utter pain, but maybe it'll get better or maybe it won't. All in all, I will try to bear through it, carrying my aching tail bone with me. So on the topic of tail bones, how is yours?

It serves no purpose but as a reminder that we are all humans from time to time.

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