Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Someone once told me that you become a better reader by reading.

"How?" is all I could say, how could someone become a better reader by reading... didn't make that much sense to me. Until I realized that reading is just like riding a bike or flying a kite or anything that you get better with practice.

It seems like reading would just come to you, like you would one day just go "poof" and you could read for hours and finish multiple books because your IQ just magically increased. Well I'm here to say that reading is just like any other sport or piano, it's a tool that with sharpening, can cut the air.

I challenged myself to this, I read and read, and I have been reading much faster, and with much more ease, I don't know why reading perfects reading, but the phenomenon still occurs.

For me it was like, " you have an hour and you need to read four chapters. so I had to learn to read, and retain, and it took a while. but I made it."

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